![Flower Bouquets at Flower Stall in La Rambla, Barcelona [enlarge]](http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h135/carloslorenzo/FlowerBouquetsatFlowerStallsinLaRam.jpg)
These colorful flower bouquets I found at one of the flower stalls along La Rambla. It was a holiday in Barcelona as today it was the day of Catalonia, that is, La Diada that happens to coincide with the anniversary of the terrible events of the twin towers on September 11th or what we all know as 9/11. I went to see if I captured some new images of street artists so abundant in the area and I managed to take some pictures in the end. I will show you in coming posts since on second thought I preferred to post the flowers to honor 9/11 victims and commemorate our Diada.
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